Oct 18, 2008


John's life has suddenly changed. From an uncertain nomadic life to a routine one is much to his liking. This transition from wilderness to domesticity for him is like the easy flow of water downstream. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and a cozy corner: who said life is a bed of thorns.

John owes everything to Rupam. He was lying shivering in front of Mother Mariam's church in a desolate wintry dawn. With an empty stomach in a severe winter he was virtually counting his last seconds when Rupam rescued him and from that day his world revolves around Rupam. He was christened John as he was found at the doorsteps of a church and he likes the name.

Initially he was rebuked and punished whenever he used to play in the mud or dwell in his wild instincts. But gradually as he began to adapt to the suave civilized world he was welcomed warmly within the close circles of Rupam. He too liked the new ways of life and his new companions.

John's day began at 4 am. He wakes up Rupam and both of them goes for a walk. This walk is the best part of the day as it gives him about an hour with Rupam in full privacy with no one to disturb. They used to jog down to the foothill of a nearby hillock and then walk down breathing the sweet misty air of the morning, thus recharging their lungs for the day. In between they used to sit down at the footsteps of Mother Mariam's church for ten minutes. Rupam used to be very silent at these times, deep in his thoughts, of what John has no idea. But for John, it was that fateful day when Rupam rescued him. Everyday the same thoughts overflow his mind and it seemed to him that his gratitude and love for Rupam grows manifold.

For the rest of the day John used to be all by himself, enriching himself with the geography of the area. Rupam used to go for his classes, but this privilege was never meant for the likes of John. But even John doesn't complain, for he sees no greatness engraved in those dry papers, which only the cows seem to relish.

A handsome fellow with a shiny skin, deep black eyes, and an enviably muscular constitution was what John grew up to be as time rolled by. He knew fair sex of his neighbourhood dreams of him and craves for him, but he couldn't degrade Rupam's status by indulging with these.

Rupam is a Naga boy, from a remote village of Thongboi, in Mao district in Nagaland. At present he was in a boarding school for the last four years. This was his last year.

Of late John was seeing very less of Rupam. But no complain, as John knew that this was the time when everyone virtually forgets everything except those dry books. But a different kind of change pained John. Now a days Rupam reacts very coldly to John's presence. But still John thought this might be due to the hard work.

It was the last day of the exam and John observed that Rupam's friends were packing their belongings. When Rupam was back he too started packing. John instantly knew that they were leaving. So he too went out to bid bye to few of his acquaintances.

As he was returning it got quite late. An eerie feeling gripped him. When he entered Rupam's room he saw Rupam staring at the floor with blood shot eyes. For the first time in his life he didn't like something of Rupam. Yet he went to his place and sat down. Suddenly Rupam stood up and said, “Come John, lets go out for a walk”. John was taken aback. “At this hour”, he didn't liked the idea. But he doesn't want to hurt Rupam. Also since next morning they are leaving so Rupam might want to have his last walk. John Obliged.

They were sitting at the footstep of Mother Mariam's church. It was dark. Only the candlelights peeping out of the church door makes one see the shadows of each other. Apart from that John could feel the heavy breathing of Rupam. Rupam came close to him and carressed his head and neck. John felt good at the touch and closed his eyes to feel the ecstasy of the soothing touch.

Suddenly a deep pang hit his neck and he fell with a thud at Rupam's feet. With unparallel strength he opened his eyes and saw his body lying on the step where Rupam was sitting. The legs, which were under his control a few seconds before, were stretching to reach no where. He looked at Rupam in the dark. He could see nothing but the red shot eyes and a shiny 'dao'. And slowly the vision blurred.

That day during dinner Rupam and his friends feasted on dog's meat. [Manash Pratim Gohain, INDOLINK]

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